Kobo Abe (Written by)
Shinchosha (Publishing House) / Shincho Bunko
1974May 28, 2010 (Release date)
Bunko (Format)
10a short story containing the story of the story。
According to the commentary at the end of the book、These were written between 1957 and 1964.。
The Woman in the Sand、It's like the time when "other people's faces" were announced.。
The short story "The User""It's just like a human being."As the basis of the work that。
The overall impression of this book、It was written in the commentary.、I felt the same and disobeying relationship like mobius' circle.。
It's a mirror image relationship.、"Box Man"The reversal of the relationship between the position seen and the position seen in、It's a relationship between self and others.
Was that the author's theme?。
The rest、What I found interesting was the work "The Cliffs of Time."。
The flow of the boxer's consciousness during the game、It is said that it was made into a work by the movie method.。
I can feel the deep feeling of not losing a cliff-top boxer.。
There's a sense of realism.。
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