Kobo Abe (Written by)
Shinchosha (Publishing House) / Shincho Bunko
2005May, (Release date)
Bunko (Format)
I read Box Man。
It is a novel by Kobo Abe, who wrote "Sand Woman" and others.。
What、It is said that there is a "box man" wearing a cardboard box roaming around the city.。
The story begins by explaining how to make a box with a peephole。
It's interesting to imagine walking around the city wearing a cardboard box from head to waist.。
But、It seems that the existence of a box man is not such a cute thing。
When you look at the box man、People turn a blind eye.、It is said that it is distracting。
Before、I've had conversations with people wearing masks and sunglasses.。
I felt restless somehow.。
I can't read the other person's expression from here.、They can see me one-sidedly.。
I wonder if the feeling of the person who found the box man is the same as that.。
The box man can see without being seen.。
Also、About Box Man、It seems that we have to be careful not to be too conscious。
In this book, a person named A who succumbed to the temptation became a box man himself.。
afterwards、The story changes from chapter to chapter and becomes difficult to understand。
About that、It was written in an easy-to-understand manner in the afterword commentary.。
By reversing the position of seeing and being seen along the story、The speaker was changing.。
If you say so, I was convinced.。
There's a lot going on and out.。
It was an interesting novel.。
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