TYPE-MOON(original), Nakatani(Cartoon)
KADOKAWA / Kadokawa Comics Ace
2020Sep (Release date)
Comic (Form of issuance)
FGO Part 2、An omnibus story about the Cryptor from Cosmos in the Lost Belt。
I haven't played FGO.、Interesting。
Ofelia is cute。
He has a magic eye.。
I also thought about the magic eye。
Say wither eyes。
It is a technique that makes the other person's eyes dry and painful.。
Using contact lenses dries eyes、It is more painful than that。
Not easy to break。
There is also such a thing as a soft magic eye。
When you see it, your body floats.。
The power of attack and defense is weakened because it does not have a foot.。
To defeat it, use weight manipulation。
Gravity-based magic is even better。
Is the title like the Milky Way?。
Milky way。
In the constellations, there are more Ophiuchus.。
Pan-Human History、I guess the word "hearsay" is also a keyword.。
I think Multiverse。
Multidimensional is soft。
Clay Connected Compilation、Arul Nadja。
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