Boyfriend and girlfriend circumstances 21

Masami Tsuda Hakusensha / Hana to Yume Comics August 2005 (Release date) Comic (Form of issuance) The final volume of Carekano。 What is the future of Karekanomate?。 Yukino would be Todairi 3。 Arima became a police officer after graduating from high school。 Is being a doctor a respected profession?。 I've been hospitalized, so I'm closely related to doctors.。 Doctors look amazing, but there are many diseases that cannot be cured.。 Also, there are times when you can say that it is over with a little question.。 We need to listen more to our patients。 The Hippocratic Oath is the Ethics of Sunflower Rides。 And、When it comes to police officers, it seems that many of them have experience in kendo and judo.。 Some people may have experience in martial arts.。 Many people are good at exercising。 I was swimming.、In the tournament, players belonging to the ● ● Police Station participated。 僕が出場したのは市の1部リーグだけれども強豪選手だ。 It would be nice if there was a competition that used Susuma。 Not many people may know bayonet。 The act of firing is prescribed by law。 When there are "reasonable grounds to believe it is necessary"、Although it is allowed to be used within the "minimum necessary" range.、必要と認める最小の理由がある場合に必要馬鹿限の範囲で使用してはいないか議論する必要を切に感じる。 Sakura is cute。 I also use Clinique hand cream。

Sei☆Onii-san 3

Hikaru Nakamura Kodansha / Morning KC March 23, 2009 (Release date) Comic (Form of issuance) A work depicting the days when Buddha and Jesus live in Tachikawa。 Interesting。 There was talk of a family restaurant, but I used to go there a lot.。 Studying for late-night tests is a routine for college students.。 I laughed at the latest entry style。 Kandata also appeared。 Spider silk is amazing。 acworks / acworks

Shudder!! Junji Inagawa Horror Theater

Junji Inagawa, Mizuki Sakura, Manri Kawamura, Princess Kuroyuri, Aki Edamatsu, Mackerel Bow, Chisato NoguchiLiid, April 4, 2014 (Release date) I read it smoothly。Interesting。It's the first time I've read it, but it's pretty scary。"Their school trip" left an impression on me。I think the truth of Yotsuya Ghost Story was useful。I bought one more book, so I want to read it.。

Dungeon Rice Volume 1

九井 諒子 (Written by)KADOKAWA/エンターブレイン (Publishing House) / ビームコミックス2015年1月15日 (Release date)Comic (Format) ダンジョンで魔物食を食べる異色の漫画歩き茸が登場する動く鎧の話には驚いた内側に張り付いた軟体生物が筋肉の役割を果たしているのか貝のような料理が美味しそうだホタテフライが食べたい有名な作品だがこのような物語だったのだな

Sentimental Kiss 1

Mikko Komori (Written by)Shueisha (Japan) (Publishing House) / Margaret ComicsAug 25, 2020 (Release date)Kindle version (Format) Yuna, a college student, meets high school student Hiwa at a club where she went to find her sister.。Yuna and Hiyori passing each other while thinking about each other。That's where the story begins.。The picture was cute.。I was surprised to think that Nana shoplifted。Dogs appear, but they look good.。The author wrote that he is not good at drawing dogs, but I think he is good。I also had a dog, so I felt nostalgic.。I'm looking forward to the next volume。There was also an extra edition of the previous work。

Bear 2

Segei (Written by), Kumana no (Written by), 029 (other)Housewives and Seikatsusha (Publishing House) / PASH! ComicsFebruary 22, 2019 (Release date)Kindle version (Format) Manga of Reincarnation。The main character, Yuna, is based on the funds earned from stocks、I was reclusive to Tawaman by myself。One day、The story of getting cheat equipment full of bears all over the body in the game。2In the volume, Yuna, called Bloody Bear, fights goblins.。Cute bear equipment。The bear cutter is powerful。Bears would also be hibernating in winter。I wonder where the bear's den is。Cliff or。


大場 つぐみ (Written by), 小畑 健 (Written by)Shueisha (Japan) (Publishing House) / ジャンプコミックス2005年7月4日 (Release date)Kindle version (Format) 月たちはデスノートを所有するヨツバ・火口を包囲した月は再びデスノートを手にする事ができるのかという話Lが死ぬとは驚いたまさかそういう展開だったとはな最後に言い残そうとした事は何だったのだろうかデスノコラが沢山あって面白かった。And、Lの後継者のニアとメロが登場する。I'm looking forward to the next volume。

Dark Girl (On)

秋吉 理香子(Written by), 兄崎 ゆな (Written by)Futaba (Publishing House) 2017年2月21日 (Release date) Comic (Format) お嬢様学校で文学サークルの会長だった白石いつみが死んだ副会長だった澄川小百合に開かれた定例会で部員たちはそれぞれ自作の小説を朗読するその中にいつみの死の真相が含まれているのか映画化もされたらしい僕は小南あかねが犯人なのではないかと思って読み進めた二谷美礼が嘘をついているという気もしたけれども。Also、5W1Hというものが有名のようだ。6W1H、6W2Hというのもある下巻でイヴァン・ヴァーゾフというブルガリアの作家について書かれていた軛の下でという作品が有名なのだなノーベル文学賞にノミネートされた事もあるようですごい僕は寡聞にして知らなかった

Thursday's Furt

Masaru Ishiguro (Written by)Akita Shoten (Publishing House) / Shonen Champion Comics October 8, 2010 (Release date)Kindle version (Format) I thought Furutt was cute and the first volume was funny。 (   ◉∧◉) Furutt

Final Fantasy XIV I'll teach you Dr. Larafel!(1)

ふぁっ熊 (Written by), Square Enix (Written by)KADOKAWA (Publishing House) / 電撃コミックスEX2017年8月26日 (Release date)Kindle version (Format) それになんで僕が新米だって分かるんですか? ブック ! これがおまえが初心者だという証拠だ えっ!? このゲームに慣れた者なら相手が本を出したらすぐ自分も本を出す ッ痛エ! ウソを教えないでください (p.6) 見た目はやっぱりミコッテだとかP.62の扉絵が印象に残った。#5のメディアミックスのパロディも惹きつけられる巻末の学者ちゃんとエオルゼアも面白かったタコトパスが愛したわこほアンドひよこ学者という職業があるのだな

Comic Junji Inagawa's Awesome ~Scary Story~I Found It~

Aki Edamatsu, Mizuki Sakura, Mackerel Jade Bow, Mio Takai, Yoshinosuke Inoue (Written by)Lyid Corporation (Publishing House) /SP Comics December 16, 2016 (Release date)Kindle version (Format) There was a masterpiece selection of special projects "Meguro Tunnel"。It is said that the Meguro River flows through the border of Meguro Ward。"It's cold" stuck in my memory.。ものノケともノノケともののケとモノノケでは最初がいいと思う。You'll have to be careful about it.。"Strange things worn in Roppongi" was also posted.。筆者は詳しいな

You can see it in manga! Fate/Grand Order(1)

Liyo, TYPE-MOON (Written by)KADOKAWA (Publishing House) / Kadokawa Digital ComicsAugust 2, 2017 (Release date)Kindle version (Format) 聞けこの領域に集いし 一騎当千万夫不当の英霊たちよ 相容れぬ敵同士であろうと今は互いに背中を預けよ 我が真名はジャンヌ・ダルク 主の御名のもとに貴公らの盾となろう あっごめんなさい自分のセリフに感極まって泣いちゃった あまりにかっこいい (p.6) カンニングペーパー笑。Don't skip it from the beginning。I think Olga Marie is cute。Joan of Arc and Kashiwa Mochi。Altera is cute。The main character on the cover is sexy。

Don't touch the Video Lab.! (1)

Hitomi Odo (Written by)Shogakukan (Publishing House) / ビッグコミックス2017年1月12日 (Release date)Comic (Format) Mr. Asakusa of the anime "Setting is life" is the belief、Mr. Mizusaki who wants to be an animator、Mr. Kanamori loves making money、3Three high school students created the Video Research Institute、It's a story that makes them passionate about anime production.。 Vivid Character、Fine background、I had an impact on the detailed setting and the view of the world.。 The delusionthats that Mr. Asakusa and others thought of(Imagine)Although the scene of the world and the finished anime is often drawn、すごいなあ… 学校を含め世界観が独特の空気感な気がする。 It's hard to make anime.。 When I read the author's memorandum in the fourth book、Some of the thought settings and stories are not reflected in the finished product and are buried.。 It might be in other fields, such as novels.。 考えることがとにかく沢山! あと、It seems to be difficult to direct.、You have to look like a person's pattern to match the work.、Is it the movement of the robot?。 Ma、どんな仕事でもいろいろとハードな事はあるな… 予算審議委員会での予告編風作品(Volume 1)、Robot animation at the cultural festival(Vol.2)、Distributing works at COMET-A(Volume 3)、New Story Anime(Vol.4)And the Video Research Institute is advancing the production。 彼女たちの作る最強の世界がどこへ向かうのか楽しみだ実写映画化はどんな感じになるのだろうアニメ化もされるみたい