
igorovsyannykov / Pixabayhttps://pixabay.com/photo-2792992 臨海通りを北から茨島に進むと、A one-story commercial facility comes into view.。 Rumor has it that headless riders will haunt it。 Old、A young man who was running on a motorcycle died after getting caught in a rope in a parking lot。 Ever since、It is said that he wanders around the area at night in search of his head.。 フィクションの人物田村氏においでいただこう田村氏は青森出身恐山で功徳を積んだイタコの系譜の人物である田村氏によると商業施設は元より付近の農協ビルこそ一帯の怪奇現象と関係があるそうだ首なしライダーはビルも走るというバイクは二気筒の大型であるとの事グリーン…と田村氏は一言呟いたバイクの色なのかバイクの種類を指すのか秋田では一次産業である農業が盛んだ農協の力は絶大なものがあるそこで噴出したJA秋田おばこの不正会計問題田村氏は不正により付近に悪い影響を与えていると述べる巨額の赤字を計上した事件だけになまはげもひっくり返ったというのだが… 小雨が降る中田村氏のお祓いが始まった産土神に頼って土地を浄化する儀式である「運薩婆訶運薩婆訶」 田村氏が数珠を持ってお神酒をあげながらお祓いを執り行う。 Way、田村氏に危険が迫った体が重くなり雨が勢いを増す「運薩婆訶!運薩婆訶!悪鬼退散!悪鬼退散!」 田村氏は大音量で声を張り上げるその眼には力が宿っている憑依を心配していたのだろうが田村氏は立ち直ったお神酒を口に含む田村氏勢いよく霧を放出するこれで悪鬼も元の世界に帰ったようである田村氏は最後こう言い残した「この土地では虫送りをしているようですが猫の御姿がイメージとして流れ込んできました猫じゃらしをお供え物にするといいでしょう」 民話である


sonia828 / Pixabayhttps://pixabay.com/photo-651663 A haunted spot in Akita。 There is spring water that seems to be the origin of the place name。 Japan became a hill with sand deposited from the sea。 There is an old Shio shrine nearby.、This water has been used since ancient times。 There was the idea of a protectorate state that ruled the country with Buddhism.。 It is a small mountain.、There is a swamp called Kusonuma。 There is a book called Takashimizu Fudoki。 I'm unread.、Does the sky simple swamp worship a dragon?。 I guess it's Karaso.。 By saying that the stream will dry up、I think it had the opposite meaning of spring water in the past。 Words can mean the opposite。 There are also ruins of Akita Castle.。 It can be said that it is a spot with many sights。 Spring water exists quietly at the foot of the mountain。 Does not appear to be suitable for beverages。 It seems to be inhabited by antelopes and martens.、It seems to be used as drinking water for animals.。 There is an old national highway nearby.。 Now that the new national highway has been built, there are few cars passing through the old national highway.。 It was an important road from the direction of Tozaki to Sanno.。 There are many shrines and temples、Prone to youkai。 Rumor has it that late night、A great snake passed through the road、The head flew、Skeletons roam。 There is also the grave of Masumi Sugae nearby.。 Looks like a traveler from the Edo period。 If you go on the road, you will go in the direction of Kanhocho。 It is famous for the Tozaki Port Festival。 It is Takashimizu who has been looking at the history of Akita。 It sits quietly and fiercely。