oseltamivir、It's a cure for influenza.。
As oxertamivir phosphate、Product name "Tamiflu" by Roche, Switzerland (tamiflu)、Registered trademark No. 4376708, etc.) Sold in。
What is an example of abnormal behavior?
According to the Ministry of Health, Labou、
Examples of abnormal behavior
Suddenly stand up and try to get out of the room。
It becomes a state of excitement、I opened my hand and ran around the room.、say something that doesn't make sense。
Excited to open the window and try to go out to the veranda。
I'm walking outside out of my home、I don't respond when I talk to you.。
Remember the feeling of being attacked by a person、jump out of the way。
Say strange things、Weeping and moving around in the room。
All of a sudden, laughter begins to happen.、try to run up the stairs。
And that was。
2017 Influenza Q&A: Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (from Q15)
I hear a voice.。
100If you count the numbers from 0, you'll die.。
As expected, he was diagnosed with influenza.、At that time, it was a medicine called "Inavir" that was prescribed.。
What happened to me?
Let's say someone slapped you on the right shoulder from behind.。You can hit it lightly by yourself.。
Then、In addition to the physical "ton" sound that enters the ear、There is a "ton" that the head recognizes as a sense of being beaten.。
This is probably the same as、Stimulation is transmitted from the sense of touch to the brain.。
And、I can't get this "ton" out of my head.。
That feeling is、No, it goes on and on around the upper right corner of the brain.。
In the whole、A buggy video is like persistently repeating a scene over and over again.。
Of course you can't pay by hand.。
At first, I was like, "What? It was a sense of incongruity to the extent that、Gradually turning to fear。
I'm going mad
When you notice,、I was walking around the room.。
"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey,、What the hell is this?、was completely out of the mouth。
This day、There was an acquaintance who took me to the hospital who couldn't move properly.、
Look at me like that.、I thought you were really out of your mind.
I thought so.。
"There's a ton of noise in my head。
There's a ton of noise。I don't know why! 」
And、I remember yelling at the acquaintance.。
A ton is attached to my head and I can't leave.。
Sweat is blowing out from all over my body and my clothes are drenched.。Even so、I went to the bathroom to try to calm down somehow.、I washed my face many times.。
I don't want to remember this area.。
Last winter.、The flu raged at the reporter's house.、The eldest daughter of the elementary school student had symptoms of this "thermal delirium"。
Abnormal behavior and this and that
The state of the eldest daughter that night、I'll introduce some of the things that are left in the memo.。
The eldest daughter doddes for a while, abnormal behavior, calms down, and sleeps for a while.、In the repetition that、
It was a night when I couldn't care what would happen next.。
"Get out as soon as possible there are a lot of people outside and inside of your house."
Because there are two crows that I drank a little while ago.、I have to wash my hands in a hurry."
I got up and said, "I have to go! (Running to the front door)
Q6.I'm afraid of the side effects of Tamiflu.。
It was an old story that abnormal behavior came out.。
Now it's not due to Tamiflu、
It is said to be one of the symptoms caused by influenza.。
There may be an image that Tamiflu is a strong medicine.、Because it is effective only for the pathogen of influenza in the body、
More reassurance than antibiotics。
Also、Recently, "Relenza (5 times inhalation)" of the inhalation type and
There is a thing called "Inavir (one time only)"。
If you're a child over 6 years old who can take a deep breath、It has the same effect as Tamiflu, so please consult with your doctor.。
There is an easy side because "Inavir" is good once, too.、If you fail, you won't be able to take it any more.、
Let's use it after reaching the age when it is possible to inhale properly.。
What you mean、What is the abnormal behavior when taking Tamiflu?、
(1). Thermal Senso (2). Encephalitis and encephalopathy
(3). Side Effects of Tamiflu(?) There will be three cases。
Abnormal behavior such as "fall and jump" is within 24 hours after taking Tamiflu、What you mean、
1it's seen after two Tamiflus.。
Fall accident after taking Tamiflu (10-74 years old):Average age 18、More than half of 13-year-olds take it only once.。
1Abnormal behavior after two Tamiflus、It is strange that there is no abnormal behavior in the person who is taking it any more.。
Also、Even influenza patients who don't take Tamiflu
Abnormal behavior such as "falling and jumping" has been seen.、
I don't think Tamiflu is the only cause.。
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