アメリカの架空の連邦機関CTU(テロ対策ユニット)の捜査員、 ジャックバウアーが様々なテロと戦う24時間で完結するアクションドラマです。
彼が様々なテロと戦っていき、事件を解決に導いていきます。 1シーズンで1つの事件を解決していきます。 ・シーズン1:大統領候補者暗殺計画 ・シーズン2:核爆弾テロ ・シーズン3:バイオテロ ・シーズン4:連続時間差多発テロ ・シーズン5:元大統領暗殺・空港占拠・神経ガス散布テロ・ロシア大統領襲撃・潜水艦強奪 ・シーズン6:連続自爆テロ・小型核爆弾テロ ・シーズン7:インフラ乗っ取り・ホワイトハウス襲撃・生物ガステロ ・シーズン8:核兵器テロ 思いもよらない展開も多々あり、見ていて飽きないです。
【総合】24TWENTY FOUR Season1~8その10ドラマの中の1時間が、 現実の1時間と同じスピードで物語が進んでいく、リアルタイムドラマです。 このリアルタイムという部分がすごく斬新で、一気に有名になりました。
102 :奥さまは名無しさん:2011/10/17(月) 13:22:04.22 ID:??? S6で終わるべきだった あの終わり方は嫌いじゃない
109 :奥さまは名無しさん:2011/10/17(月) 17:04:11.06 ID:??? >>102 シーズン6は事件がすべて解決して終わったんだったよね ファイエドの件は核爆弾が発見されて終わったし、 中国人は逮捕されたし、フィリップも爆発に巻き込まれて死んだ ヘラーやオードリーとの関係も終わりになった そしてジャックが夜明けの海を見ながら終了だった あのままどこかに行くのか、それとも自殺するんじゃないかみたいな 確かに最後に相応しいシーンだったね
179 :奥さまは名無しさん:2011/10/19(水) 15:41:58.39 ID:??? アメリカじゃケツアゴはブサイクパーツじゃないの?
217 :奥さまは名無しさん:2011/10/20(木) 13:13:37.64 ID:+c6rAJtg >>179 神が人間を創造されたとき、上手く完成した子(優秀な子)はおでこにキスをし、 上手くできなかった子(不良な子)は、アゴを掴んで上を向かせ、睨みつけたという。
948 :奥さまは名無しさん:2011/11/13(日) 21:23:31.29 ID:??? S2のレーザが一番哀れな死に方だろ、どう考えても。 ネタバレもないまま、結婚式当日に奥さん(マリー)に 射殺されんだぞ。 他の奴はどんなに哀れだと言っても自業自得だったり 運悪かったりだけど、レーザはひど過ぎる。
949 :奥さまは名無しさん:2011/11/13(日) 21:30:44.11 ID:??? テロリストを奥さんに選んだ点で自業自得ということも・・・
951 :奥さまは名無しさん:2011/11/13(日) 21:36:12.69 ID:??? >>948 テロリストを嫁に選んだ時点で自業自得ですよ
986 :奥さまは名無しさん:2011/11/14(月) 23:40:01.37 ID:??? 最高傑作は5だな。
▶Opens and closes with a translation for touch
【総合】24TWENTY FOUR Season1~8その10
102 :奥さまは名無しさん:2011/10/17(Moon) 13:22:04.22 ID:???
109 :奥さまは名無しさん:2011/10/17(Moon) 17:04:11.06 ID:???
179 :奥さまは名無しさん:2011/10/19(Water) 15:41:58.39 ID:???
217 :奥さまは名無しさん:2011/10/20(木) 13:13:37.64 ID:+c6rAJtg
948 :奥さまは名無しさん:2011/11/13(sun) 21:23:31.29 ID:???
ネタバレもないまま、結婚式当日に奥さん(マリー)に 射殺されんだぞ。
949 :奥さまは名無しさん:2011/11/13(sun) 21:30:44.11 ID:???
951 :奥さまは名無しさん:2011/11/13(sun) 21:36:12.69 ID:???
986 :奥さまは名無しさん:2011/11/14(Moon) 23:40:01.37 ID:???
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- (>_ Wikipedia (The free encyclopedia)The early Showa era (Date) [sourcecode]The Red Cape (Cape red)、A kind of "urban legend" and "rumors" and "terror hoax" was talked about in the early Showa era。 Monster Tales from his appearance wearing a red cloak, known by this name。[/sourcecode][sourcecode]Phantom of wearing a red cloak and kidnapped children、Things that kill。 To kidnap the girl only as is、After kidnapping、Beating and killing、There is to be。[/sourcecode][sourcecode]Became the first "get Blue Man" incident in Fukui Prefecture, in the 0/1906 (0/1935 "man in red cloth case that there、This is a fallacy)、 Too creepy、This unsolved case quickly spread nationwide、 There is a theory that it gave birth to the legend of the Red Cape and。 Rape murder incident happened in Tokyo and、 One of the performances of the picture at the time "red Cape" (Kada ji作 this way) is a mix of theory。 Picture-story show "red cloak", Akutagawa Ryunosuke Akutagawa "Gatsby" sheet, and、 But this was no gentleman wearing a red cloak the sorcerer's apprentice shoe shine boy that relate、 Turmoil in the aftermath of the myth in Osaka this picture will be confiscated by the police.。 However, Takashi Takashi Asakura、On the other hand "red Cape" rumors have circulated from 0/1936、 Addition, denial of Kada, 太ko Koji writing picture seizure incident 0/1940 incident that。 "Police sources of the rumors a picture、Not embarked on a crackdown on media、 Will the fact that forced its collateral Kada (0/1940 to) "and then while、 "2.26 events" occurred in the 0/1936 and origins discussion、 Incident at that time not been withheld details due to a gag because rumors are to double and triple distort turn "red Cape" came in with the theory that。 The theory is also serialized in 'Boy Club' Edogawa Rampo "phantom 20 plane phase' and、 The cloak his former high school students、 Is not reflected as the Phantom in the children's?、There is theory。[/sourcecode]My delirium[sourcecode]"Red cloak"、When you went to the toilet、From somewhere 'red cloak there?"the voice is heard、 You do not respond properly、 As much as wearing a red cloak、In his own blood dye Red clothes and die、It is the story。 Where toilet and say、Many are forced to questions and answers relating to types of stories、 Arguably most famous stories。 Note、So you come out some names looks like this、 A common urban legend grotesque shows "red Cape" and。 There are many variations cases、 Say all talks of the "red cloak"'s.、 So many stories in the school toilets、It is common that fall into the genre especially known as gakkou no Kaidan。 Besides the cloak、"Red vest.、There is also talk about "red vest" and said that、Subspecies rather than minutes 9% 9 is identical to "red cloak"。 As you can see from the name、It only replaced the Cape vest and vest。 Probably、"Red cloak" that existed in the first story、As a ghost story was good for、Many occurred in the story?。 Also、Be asked for by the voice of the mysterious colors also do pattern is、 In addition to red, blue and white、You may like to choose a favorite color, such as yellow。 In a sense is the most basic part is、Grotesque compelling questions and answers in the toilet, Ghost and apparition (voice of the mysterious Lord) or "red cloak"、 Or being stabbed with a knife knife and what、 Is the bizarre phenomenon General becomes a red cloak, referred to as "red cloak"、 Surprisingly clear and not。 Gakkou no Kaidan as toilets and now Amy's condition has、 The story of the grotesque emerges in the toilet, "red cloak"、From Amy's old old story。 "White thread earrings" already out、A 10 year period (late 1930s-early 1940s) per period、 Similar stories began to be said in the Kyoto school is confirmed in one of the oldest examples are mentioned and、 Still another early Showa、Has originated in Nagano Prefecture Azumino region school。 [/sourcecode][sourcecode]Furthermore, at the same time、Phantom of the mystery and Red cloak appeared in Tokyo、There is also a recording say riot police will be mobilized。[/sourcecode][sourcecode]This story occurs first and is considered the、 On World Affairs、I was a dubious move reminiscent of war could be seen。 In Japan, such as the financial crisis of the early Showa era、In a gloomy picture many times、 In the ways of the world of opaque、The military was increasing its influence。 As a result、From these unsettling ways of the world、 The passage of the "red cloak"、Analyze the potential fear of the gendarmerie at the time children are involved、Has been made in some。 For children、Mantle was a symbol of the gendarmerie、This theory argues that it is。 By the way、Have you seen the real thing that I had to wear the old Japan army uniforms。 Product itself is quite old?、Red or red、Not brilliant, but、A color atmosphere faded dark red。 Certainly、Was not similar to the color of the blood sticks to the fabric, for a long time has elapsed without。 [/sourcecode][sourcecode][Supplement]赤マントの起源 最近、Was provided information about connection of 2.26 events and the Red Cape on board。 And glimpses of the shadow of a singular thinkers called the devil, and Kita Ikki 2.26 events、 On the relation between urban legend grotesque "red cloak"、But something felt strange charm、 More exciting in、 226 incident and、Phantom red cloak slightly had already obtained the information line in sight.。 Information obtained at the already finished first draft of this column is.、 Because it was awkward sentence restructuring、 Let me be lazy and leave it in the form of the auxiliary section。 Phantom red cloak appeared in Tokyo City、2-Of 26 next year、Is 0/1937。 2-Next day 26 incident、2From March 27 until the end of July of the same year、Has been placed under martial law, Tokyo。 Is this abnormal situation、That gave the big upset Tokyo citizens would。 And、Phantom red cloak of mystery emerged the following year。 About the Red Cape incident、Not too sure about details.、Was harmless, but not、Were so close to a kind of mass hysteria。 For the citizens of Tokyo、Red cloak was pretty creepy.。 People、You've got a strong ideology、It therefore military coup attempt.、You can imagine out of officers, were executed in the middle of like-minded、 At the same time the depth of their hatred?。 Or、The returning prisoners with the officers who were executed with the same idea、Again Tokyo has fallen into chaos feared the situation has、Least likely。 The unidentified phantom red cloak to wear a red Cape、 2.26 in (various ways) "ghosts" that evoke the people、May be aroused by the fear。 "Red cloak" that shows up on the toilet、The term "red Cape" a vague adults fear、 The existence of concrete in the sensibility of the special children、Interpretation it is possible。 Most、Weaknesses of this reasoning is teleread's "red Cape" is not a Tokyo。 Also、At that time did not develop the media ever、 It is strange that relatively short period of time as well as stories were found in different parts。 Word of mouth is、A powerful information propagation than I thought?。[/sourcecode]To revive the Red Cape? [sourcecode] Something、Getting to know little of it back, said the NAA comments。 "20th century history Vol.89 Sino-Japanese Wars 2.、1975年11月5日発行 「赤マント」の怪 1939年(昭和14)春、Among the children in Tokyo、"Hunchback of the Red cloak' story was buzzing。 See-what I come out with a man wearing a red Cape Rick becomes a night。And at night、I see children walking with the blood by...。 – Elementary school I'm cured leprosy (Hansen's disease) and suck the blood of women for three years and 4 years and 5 years。 Oh really!。I'm also a teacher at the school said the real。恐いわ」 といった子供たちの会話があちこちで聞かれるようになった。 This topic is、Extension to schoolgirl and junior high school students、In addition to all citizens of Tokyo、 It also spells so was drowning in "red cloak"。 Contents of "red cloak" style "red cloak" aimed to students or、 It is a red cloak is limited to the Virgin、 By the inevitable、It said the "incurable" and、Ranged。 In the junior high school students and schoolgirls、 To be associated with the Communist Party from this 'red cloak' [Red]、Communist Party do something plenty of people doing that and is convinced that the many。…