Sorcerer Orphen Hagure Journey New Edition 5

秋田 禎信 (Written by) / 草河 遊也 (Illustrations) TOブックス (Publishing House) / 新装版2012年1月31日 (Release date)Kindle version (Format) キムラック教会のユグドラシル神殿に侵入するオーフェン。Also、アザリーも聖都を訪れていた教主ラモニロックが語る世界の真実とは始祖魔術士オーリオウルには驚いた女神は悪いやつなんだな常世界法則が思い起こされるラグナロク砦が登場するレキは強い

Sorcerer Orphen Hagure Journey New Edition 4

)秋田 禎信 (Written by) / 草河 遊也 (Illustrations) TOブックス (Publishing House) / 新装版2011年12月31日 (Release date)Kindle version (Format) 前編ではオーフェンたちは現在しないはずの古代の劇場カミスンダ劇場を発見するそこでは魔王スウェーデンボリ―が戯曲『魔王』を上演していた劇場はシスター・イスターシバによって建てたれたのだな挿絵が記憶に残る後編では主人公たちが聖都キムラックに入る死の教師は強敵だネイム・オンリーがハシーシャンだったとは

The Stand 1

Stephen King (Written by) / Mariko Fukamachi (Translation) Bungei Shunshu (Publishing House) / Bunshun Bunko April 7, 2004 (Release date)Bunko (Format) Masterpiece Feature。A world destroyed by Superflu。Depicts survivors who gather under good and the struggle of evil to aim for them。It is frightening to see the social order disappear。I read on, pounding。The only ones left alive are Stu and Franny.。Glenn、nick、It's a pity that Tom and others have passed away.。Trash can man is impressive。Randle Flagg appears in other films。


Stephen King (Written by) / Fusa Koo (Translation)Bungei Shunshu (Publishing House) / Bunshun Bunko FourPastMidnight July 9, 1999 (Release date)Bunko (Format) Horror Novels。1The main character on the plane at dawn。However, when he woke up, all the passengers had disappeared.。The last scene Nick saw was... I'm impressed by Toomey.。When I first read this book, I thought adults had a hard idea.。However, as I grow older, I understand Toomey's feelings more or less.。Not like a spring。I don't think crime should be done.。The other is about a novelist being suspected of plagiarism.。It was also made into a movie under the title Secret Window.。Both were interesting。

Rely on God and run! Diary of a bicycle bombing Japan traveling south

Hideyuki Takano (Written by)Shueisha (Japan) (Publishing House) / Shueisha Bunko March 24, 2008 (Release date)Kindle version (Format) A book in which the author travels by bicycle from Tokyo to Okinawa while relying on God。Near the Shimanto River, where Takashi Yamada lives, there is a submergible bridge.。Also、The author says that there is an iron rule when riding a bicycle。I was reading it thinking that I would drive on the road.、It was a rule that heavy luggage should not be carried on the back.。I burst out laughing at the slash-and-burn farm.

I can't find the trip around the world!

Low bridge (Written by)KADOKAWA (Publishing House) / Comic Essays March 13, 2020 (Release date)Kindle version (Format) A book about the author's solo journey around the world。First, the author is heading to Russia to board the Trans-Siberian Railway.。We also stopped in Ukraine.、My heart ached when I remembered the war in Ukraine.。In South America, ride a bicycle across the continent。Oasis Dead Incident、It seems that there was a fall incident on a steep slope and a dangerous scene.、I'm glad you're safe。It's like I traveled while camping.。I want to go to the Goroka show in New Guinea.。Climb Ramerau in Timor-Leste is also good。原作者は自転車旅の後沈没したという筆者は海外で日本の固定観念を感じたようだ日本にいる僕は気がつかないがそういうものなのかな

Centennial mud

Yuka Ishii (Written by)Shinchosha (Publishing House) / Shincho Bunko August 1, 2020 (Release date) Kindle version (Format) South India、Novel set in Chennai。It seems to have won the Akutagawa Prize。I feel that novels set abroad are rare。A woman who was assigned to Chennai as a Japanese teacher at an overseas branch office。100The Adaiyar River flooded by an annual flood。A strange phenomenon occurred after the flood.。 I thought the author was familiar with India.。インドというと昔読んだ本が思い起こされる。Mr. Takano is banned from entering India。Could I have been blacklisted?。Also、India is famous for yoga。I'm good at the pari vrutta alda chandrasana called the twisted half-moon pose.、I want to try more difficult poses。Curry is also famous。Nakamuraya is the birthplace of Indian curry。

Dark Girl (On)

秋吉 理香子(Written by), 兄崎 ゆな (Written by)Futaba (Publishing House) 2017年2月21日 (Release date) Comic (Format) お嬢様学校で文学サークルの会長だった白石いつみが死んだ副会長だった澄川小百合に開かれた定例会で部員たちはそれぞれ自作の小説を朗読するその中にいつみの死の真相が含まれているのか映画化もされたらしい僕は小南あかねが犯人なのではないかと思って読み進めた二谷美礼が嘘をついているという気もしたけれども。Also、5W1Hというものが有名のようだ。6W1H、6W2Hというのもある下巻でイヴァン・ヴァーゾフというブルガリアの作家について書かれていた軛の下でという作品が有名なのだなノーベル文学賞にノミネートされた事もあるようですごい僕は寡聞にして知らなかった


朝井 リョウ(Written by)Shinchosha (Publishing House) / 新潮文庫 2015年7月1日 (Release date) Kindle version (Format) 就職活動を題材にした小説直木賞受賞作らしい映画化もしたようだ主人公の拓人は友人の光太郎瑞月理香等と就職活動対策の集まりをする。And、就職活動を進めていくうちにいろいろな事が起こるのだった最後の方の展開には驚いた文章をぐいぐい読ませる勢いがあったな。 Also、主人公の後半の面接での言葉が僕は印象的だった就活で自分自身の事がよく分からなくなる事があると思うのだ業界職種志望動機を考えるうちに混乱してしまうメンタルが大事なのだろうかサワ先輩事沢渡さんの言葉も記憶に残る想像力というのも必要なのだろう言葉の向こうにいる人間の事を考えるのが良い氷河期世代という言葉があったがコロナ世代という事だろう面接を渡り歩くのかしら

Don quixote

Cervantes (Written by) / Ushijima Nobuaki Iwanami Shoten (Publishing House) / Iwanami Shonen Bunko June 16, 2000 (Release date) Bunko (Format) 16It was the literature of the century, but it was interesting because it seemed to be still relevant to the present day.。I feel like this book was well put together.。There was such a thing as a chivalric novel.。Don Quixote de Ramancha and his cousin Sancho Pansha、The story of the horse and donkey was interesting.。I wonder what it is like to return to sanity.。It's a sad end, but。

Invention of R62, Lead Eggs

Kobo Abe (Written by) Shinchosha (Publishing House) / 新潮文庫 1974年8月27日 (Release date) Bunko (Format) a book of 12 short stories。 I read it with a chilla.、After all, the work that left an impression on me is "stick".。 I didn't understand when I read it a long time ago.、When I read it now, I somehow undersess been able to tell the story.。 8It was as short as a page and easy to read.。 According to the commentary、本書の短編から読み取れる著者の発想原則の4項というものがあるらしい詳細に分析されると身も蓋もない気がするが著者のアヴァンギャルド(前衛)な思想の特徴があるのだろうアヴァンギャルドとは発想を180度転換既成概念を覆すことなのかそのような作品によって現実の問題点をつまびらかにしようとしたということなのかしら。 … Continue readingInvention of R62, Lead Eggs


Yukio Mishima(Written by)Shinchosha(Publishing House) / Shincho Bunko October 1, 2005 (Release date)Bunko(Format) There seems to have been a longing for the image of an ancient Greek human being.、You're an intelligent author, so you're a deep-willed author, right?。I'm glad the main character came home safely.。It is interesting to know the love pattern of Showa era.。

The numbers look like landscapes to me.

ダニエル・タメット (Written by) / 古屋 美登里 (Translation)Kodansha (Publishing House) / 講談社文庫2014年6月13日 (Release date)Bunko (Format) In Savin syndrome、The author's memoirs of a high level of proficiency in language and arithmetic。He also has a sense of "synesthesia" in which letters and numbers appear with color.。Autism spectrum disorder on the other hand、It also seems to be Asperger's syndrome。アイスランド語を1週間で覚えたりできる天才だが子供時代から苦労は多かったらしい人はそれぞれの悩みを抱えているものだなぁあとがきで書かれていたが自分を知り積極的に生きる道を選んだ著者の勇気とひたむきさを見習いたいものだ