Michiko Yamamoto Shinchosha / Shincho Bunko July 2, 2010 (Release date) Bunko (Form of issuance) 5Works with two short stories。 A little voluminous。 The title work is impressive.。 Betty, a war bride in Australia, is passionate about throwing parties with sailors.。 Eventually、The story of a change in Betty's life that depicts a longing for nostalgia。 It was interesting to learn about the situation overseas.。 Kids are cute。 12019 / Pixabayhttps://pixabay.com/photo-394725 John looks great。 Okamisan and Dannasan。 War is thought-provoking。 Betty、I was building a kitchen garden in a corner of the garden.。 (p.480 e-book) I'm also interested in home gardening。 I want to try making bitter gourd。 Bitter melon, also known as the green curtain。 Rich in vitamin C and nutritious。 Vitamin C in bitter melon is said to have heat-resistant properties.。 Cucumbers are also delicious。 However,、Research has revealed that cucumbers contain components that destroy vitamin C.。 I would like to propose a dish using bitter gourd and cucumber.。 It's bitter gourd cucumber champloo。 Regeneration and destruction of vitamin C、Apocalypse。 Apocalypse、now。 I read the first part and think.、I think there are people overseas who know more about Japan than Japan people.。 Robert Campbell is probably the best example of this.。 Japan is a researcher of the classics。 I butched butch,。 Australia Dehakoalat Kangarooga Yumeides。 Mousugu Hina Matsurides。 OdairisamatoOhinasamashiawasesso。 Maybe it's a good idea to learn English through Western movies。