Yukito Ayatsuji, Akihiro Utano, Hozuki Tsunetaro, Arisugawa Arisu, Abiko Takemaru (Written by)
Kodansha (Publishing House) / 講談社ノベルス
2017年9月7日 (Release date)
Kindle version (Format)
Was Maya Otaka a Mystical Research Institute, Kyoto University?。
The first time I saw it, I read it.。
I hate Wednesday and Friday - the point of the great mirror house murder is Uchida Palace?。
I'm afraid of poisonous buns, one of the problems of reasoning is around the time of the Meiji Restoration.。
Project:Although Sherlock is scary Moriarty。
The boy genius dreamed that he was the culprit.。
I thought Nue's closed room was interesting.。
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