Toshinao Sasaki (Written by)
ASCII Mediaworks (Publishing House) / NEW BOOK ASCII
2009October 9, 2016 (Release date)
New book (Format)
A book about a company called Dwango that made Nico Nico Douga。
It was released in 2009.、8About a year ago.。
I'm like, "Nicodo has been pushed by the popularity of Youtube and so on recently, isn't it?" I read it while thinking、This was interesting.。
The author is familiar with computers.、You're interviewing a lot of people.。
In the book, focusing on Kawakami Kazuo、It is written about the birth and development of Dwango.。
When PC communication was still taking place in Japan - Early Internet、There was a group of game creators called Bio_100 %.。
Mori Eiki and some of the Bio_100% of the amazing programmers after that、He was involved in the development of various services in Dwango.。
People with various abilities gather、Some people went away.、It looks like they finally made Nico Nico Douga and so on.。
I've been there before.、I've seen the times when Chairman Kawakami appeared in the professional way of work.、I read it interestingly because there was a part that was connected with the content.。
I'll summarize all the things that have been useful to me.。
- It's important to study what you like.
- It's important to be friendly.
- There are business opportunities in the market during the upheaval.
- Communities have their own rules
- The side that has the content is strong
- The rate of change in the market is fast.、Can you adapt to it?
I think it's interesting that you can comment on videos that You don't have on Youtube.。
But the change of the times is rapid and it's hard to keep up.。
What areas will develop from now on?。
I guess it's AI or something.。
I want Dwango to do his best in the future.。
It's a Japanese company.。
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