Is God a Mathematician??Mysterious History of Mathematics

Is God a Mathematician??Mysterious History of Mathematics

Mario Livio (Written by) / Toshio Chiba (Translation)
Hayakawa Shobo (Publishing House)
2017September 21 - (Release date)
Bunko (Format)

A book that challenges the question of why mathematics is so effective in explaining the natural world and the universe。
Is mathematics a discovery (existing in the universe independently of human existence)?、それとも発明(単なる人間の作り出したもの)なのだろうか?
I read it as a flip、This book has the aspect of the history of mathematics.、Various mathematicians were written。
Supernatural? I thought it would be a story.、The content was different and I was convinced when I read it to the end.。
It's an invention and a discovery, and there are limits to mathematics.。

Archimedes、Galileo、Cartesian、Newton and others seem to be great.。
Mathematical theories don't get old over the years without changing their results.。
statistics、Non-Euclidean geometry、symmetry、Locality、Einstein's general theory of relativity was also described.。
Also、Gödel's incompleteness theorem does not seem to mean that there is a truth that can never be known.。

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