Kobo Abe (Written by)
Shinchosha (Publishing House) / Shincho Bunko
1970年11月27日 (Release date)
Bunko (Format)
It seems to be a science fiction novel。
It was written in 1959.。
The Prediction Machine、Trying to predict everything about a man's future。
However, a man is involved in an incident ... The story that。
Suddenly、I was surprised when people talked about aquatic mammals.、It was tied to the meaning of the title.。
Interglacial period seems to refer to a period when the climate is temperate.。
The author is、It seems that he wanted to depict a future that appears in a break from the sense of continuity of everyday life.。
Beyond the future、It is nothing but a future society that appeared like a "thing"。
It's inherently cruel.、They say that we today cannot judge the future by saying that it is a utopia or hell.。
On the contrary、It seems that the future judges the present.。
If so、Rather than trying to change the future、Maybe we should think about how we should adapt to the future。
There are often stories about the protagonist resisting and struggling to change the future.、In this book、The future has crushed the protagonist。
It is said to be the death of a sense of continuity in everyday life.。
Because you never know what's going to happen in the future、I thought maybe I shouldn't be slumbering in my daily life.。
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