Kazuko Luddy (Written by)
Japan Business Publishing Co., Ltd. (Publishing House)
2014November 1, 2008 (Release date)
Kindle version (Format)
I somehow read the book I bought a long time ago.、I'm so pleased to put it together.。
The decision-making process for management and management to develop management and marketing strategies、it says that there are two things: logical and rational and emotional.。
- what should be insisted on is a real customer orientation to insist
Sustained innovation and disruptive innovation that only show off technology
- Important price and pattern recognition and emotional tagging
- European Luxury Brands and Japanese Corporate Brands、Distribution Channel's Way of Seeing
Consumers' unconscious memories and emotions
- a Japanese who is not good at communication
Sosy is diversity
- Large corporations are rare
Inertia and loss avoidance
- Limited rationality
Cognitive bias
The essence of choice is not to choose anything.
Small businesses save Japan
The author seems to be a marketing expert.、behavioral economics as explained、Humanities、I felt that the theory was advanced with a wide range of knowledge such as social science.。
"Paradox" is interesting with keywords。
Clayton Christensen"Innovation Dilemma"The book is famous, is it?。
a new bookIt seems to have been released、If I have a chance someday, I'll read it...
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