Kazuyuki Hamada (Written by)
Bungei Shunshu (Publishing House) / Bunshun Shinsho
1999January 20, 2016 (Release date)
Kindle version (Format)
1999a book released in 1999。
18Years ago.。
it's about hedge funds that were a major blow to the Asian economy at the time.。
Hedge funds are large sums of money from individuals or organizations on high return promises.、that it's an international speculative group that makes speculation on the world stage.。
What is mainly featured in this book is、On George Soros, head of the Quantum Fund。
management of funds from investment banks and assets in Europe and the United States.、They seem to make a lot of money.。
Especially, it seems to have a deep connection with the bank of the British system.。
that there's also a connection with senior American government officials。
From European banks to hedge funds、There are also rumors that top-secret strategic information about overseas markets is being circulated.。
Hedge funds are colluded behind the scenes.、It's like going to wage a currency war that will hit a country's economy.。
The financial transactions that come out there are derivatives.。
Derivatives are derivatives.、Combine various financial instruments by complex calculations、that it is a financial instrument designed to hedge (avoid) risk and avoid losses.。
invest many times as much as one's own funds by leveraging。
that minute、They seem to lose a lot of money if you fail.。
After the Cold War in america、Focused more on finance than in the manufacturing industry。
Don't create things.、It is said that it has done the economic activity of generating money from money.。
It was all that I didn't know and it was interesting.。
Properly、I have to read the meaning behind what's going on.。
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