Yasutaka Tsutsui (Written by)
Iwanami Shoten (Publishing House) / 岩波現代文庫
2000年1月14日 (Release date)
Bunko (Format)
A novel consisting of university professor Yuino's lectures on everyday life and literary theory。
1990Best Seller of the Year?。
I picked it up because I wanted to know about literary criticism, but it was easy to understand.。
The following literary criticism is written。
- 印象批評
- 新批評
- ロシア・フォルマリズム
- 現象学
- 解釈学
- 受容理論
- 記号論
- 構造主義
- ポスト構造主義
"Dissimilation" of formalism、The "void" of the theory of acceptance、Frame of Conformity、Also, structuralism and post-structuralism remained in my memory.。
I wonder if I can see literature in a new way。
The story is comical and、It's a weird place inside the campus。
Is it an ivory tower?、Well, it sounds fun, but it's actually hard.。
There are also examples of people like the eye of the anthill.。
The dream that the protagonist had in the final lecture makes me laugh.。
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