Idiot's Wall

Idiot's Wall

Mengji Yoro (Written by)
Shinchosha (Publishing House) / Shincho Shinsho
2003年4月10日 (Release date)
New book (Format)

2003A best-selling book of the year。
I've read it by now, so I'll summarize what I found useful somehow.。

  • 自分が知りたくないことについては自主的に情報を遮断してしまっている人間
  • 知識と常識は違う
  • 人間の脳は要は計算機
  • 人は変わるもの
  • 個性より共通性を学ぶべき
  • 身体を忘れる現代人


Modern individuals define themselves as information.。
Myself changing day by day、Same thing、Thinking that it is the same information。
That's why it seems to assert individuality.。
All things are in flux... It seems that。
I get bored quite easily.、If you think that you are changing by doing something new、Maybe it's normal for humans。
I've had the experience of suddenly wanting to delete SNS.、It's not strange either.。
Breaking with your information-oriented past self、新しい自分に変わりたいために消すのかな?
I have to try new things and change.。

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