Yasuya Saito (Written by)
O'Reilly (Publishing House)
2016September 24, 2010 (Release date)
Hardcover (Format)
Artificial Intelligence Technology of the Topic Now、A book about deep learning。
I've had one book before.、I bought a book about machine learning.、I don't know.、I stopped reading on the way.。
At that time.、I bought this book which was released recently because it is very high evaluation on Amazon.。
I bought it because it was already the fourth print, so I wonder if it's selling pretty much?
So what's the content?、Starting with Perceptron、Learn about neural networks、The error reverse propagation method came out.、Learn how to set various parameters、Learning about convolvol folding neural networks。
It seems that deep learning has increased the layer of convolvollited neural networks (CNN).。
CNN is particularly effective in image recognition。
The programming language uses Python.、I thought that it was very easy to calculate the matrix in Python.。
As highly regarded as the previous reputation、It was very easy to understand.。
I feel like I understand deep learning.
I'm interested in artificial intelligence, but I thought it would be difficult.、What is written in this book was easy to read.。
The author is only about 32 years old.、It's amazing to be able to write such an easy-to-understand book.。
This book is written about image recognition.、I was also interested in natural language.。
So、I thought I'd read another book one of these days.。
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