Last embryo 6 battle!! Atlantis continent

Last embryo 6 battle!! Atlantis continent   

Taro Ryunoko (Written by) / Momoko (Illustrations)
KADOKAWA (Publishing House)
2018December 1 (Release date)
Bunko (Format)

"It's decided.。The Mystery at the Heart of Greek Mythology——I'm going to solve the mystery of the Great Father's Declaration."
(Chapter 8 p.229)

The Great Father is like Zeus.。
Deuteronomy(A book of death)I wonder if it's important。


$$*t’yeu(s)-{ P }^{ H }H{ T }^{ H }Er- $$Oh...
Speaking of Japan, Shinto and Pure Land Buddhism? Is it legal?
Religious seems like a lot of work。  

The words of Dana Katherine Scully of The X-Files。

"That's what faith is all about, isn't it?"
(Season 5 Episode 17: Manreijutsu)

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