Sayuri Shirai (Written by)
Shogakukan (Publishing House)
2017September 18, 2008 (Release date)
Kindle version (Format)
A recent book on japan's economy。
It was pretty easy to read.。
By Abenomics、Bank of Japan Governor Haruhiko Kuroda seems to be pursuing monetary easing, also known as another dimension of monetary easing.。
Correction of the appreciation of the yen and the fall in stock prices、While there are achievements such as improving corporate profits,、Structural Problems in Japan、It seems that things don't go as textbooks because of their national nature.。
Japan's economy has entered an unknown stage。
The IMF and foreign investors seem to think that Japan's fiscal consolidation is no longer possible.。
In an an ane-go-to area after the Tokyo Olympics, each and every one of our citizens is interested in political economy.、Is it required to actively manage assets?。
But the economic effects of the Olympics are tremendous.。
I was wondering why people would be so pleased with the decision to hold the event.、It's a very bright topic.。
Well、I thought I wouldn't float too much and make the world after the feast a good one.。
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