Shoichiro Kawai (Written by)
Shodnsha (Publishing House) / Shodeisha New Book
2013December 10, 2010 (Release date)
Kindle version (Format)
A synopsis of all 40 works and poems by Shakespeare、a book in which famous lines are written。
It was easy to understand and in good.。
Shakespeare's words are poetic.。
I called you Parapara.、one of the four great tragedies、The work Ocelow was impressive.。
Intense love turns into intense jealousy when the vector goes crazy, so you have to be careful.。
奸 of the characters who look around the time is a bad guy.。
And、Especially in comedy, there were many stories of love.。
Love and love are universal themes for humanity.。
Other hand、I was writing in an Amazon review.、Is Shakespeare an education that must be known in the United States and Europe?。
Sometimes it's universal.、Sometimes things change and what you're looking for changes.。
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