Luke tanicliff (Written by)
Research company (Publishing House)
2013September, 25th. (Release date)
Hardcover (Format)
Got a British father and American mother、The author has lived in both the United Kingdom and the United States of。
This book is、That book he wrote on the subject of British and American slang.。
But it was just do not know、Clear, easy to read,。
The author isEnglish with LukeIt seems doing blog said。
Something like the following words impressed me.。
- catch-22
- Downtown
- give it up for
- give me five
- No worries
- See ya
- sweet
And so on。
Some Hey let's try。
I went to downtown by airplane.
You are so sweet!
I give it up for you.
I'm in a catch-22 situation now. LOL
No worries, See ya!
I wonder if this is right。
Doesn't mean anything.。
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