Sakyo Komatsu (Written by)
Bungei Shunshu (Publishing House) / Bunshun Bunko
1982May 25, 2008 (Release date)
Kindle version (Format)
6a short story in which works of ed. are collected。
SF、Mystery、It was a variety of contents such as horror.。
What made me interesting was、Is it a work called "American Wall" and "Haunted House" which is also the title of this book?。
America's wall、it's a story after the Vietnam War。
America is completely covered by a wall of white mist、It's a sci-fi work that would make contact with the outside world impossible at all.。
"America will survive in just one country..."
Quiet slogans whispered in the country。
The japanese protagonist trapped in the United States、Suspicious of the situation and start an investigation...
2017with the birth of President Trump in 2008、It is said that this work attracted attention again.。
Certainly、The keyword "wall" appears.、It was as if he had foreseen President Trump's america-first principle.。
By becoming in-minded, the U.S.、I felt the magnitude of the impact of superpower America on the world.。
The haunted house、According to the commentary at the end of the book、That it is the disappearance of the author's specialty。
In the middle of climbing a mountain、a college student who suddenly disappeared like a gods hidden。
The detective explores the mystery.。
Way、I'm pretty knew.。
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