Hideyuki Takano (Written by)
Shueisha (Japan) (Publishing House) / Shueisha Bunko
2006March 17, 2010 (Release date)
Bunko (Format)
The book of the author of the nonfiction writer。
This is his third book to read.。
In this work, I will go on an interview trip to Myanmar with a senior of the exploration club.。
Mr. Takano has written two other books set in Myanmar.、He's familiar with this country.。
He's a great person all over the world.。
I'll read it later.。
This book compares Myanmar to the Tokugawa Shogunate.、I thought that the point of arrival was unique to make the Yagyao family appear.。
Because the story advances with a bright feeling、Easy to read。
The characters are also attractive.。
But in October 2004、It seems that various circumstances have changed because of the political change.。
I hope they're safe when they appear this time.
Speaking of Myanmar、The military government ended and democratization、Is the Rohingya a problem now?。
I'm not very familiar with foreign things.。
I want to look to the world.。
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