Hideyuki Takano (Written by)
Shueisha (Japan) (Publishing House) / Shueisha Bunko
2007September 20, 2016 (Release date)
Bunko (Format)
Books by authors who are non-fiction writers。
This is the second time I've read a book by this author.。
This time, we obtained information on the mysterious UMA "Umokka" in India.、Under meticulous preparation、I went to the site to investigate... The story that。
This book is前回読んだ本にも一部書かれていた内容だった。
Maybe it would have been better to read this "Monster Fish Umokka Fighting Record" first.。
I'm not only an author, but also、I read it thinking that my partner Kita was also competent.。
UMA's favorite characters are also unique。
There are interesting people out there.。
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