Nos. Yamanaka (Written by), Zenji Hanyu (Written by), Hirokazu Koreeda (Written by), Juichi Yamadao (Written by), Kazuhiro Nagata (Written by)
Bungei Shunshu (Publishing House) / Bunshun Shinsho
2017February 17, 2008 (Release date)
Kindle version (Format)
A book summarizing lectures and dialogues by people who are active in each field。
Kazuhiro Nagata, a university professor,、It is said that he made a book called "My Challenge" planned to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Kyoto Sangyo University.。
Mr. Nagata、I'm worried that young people these days don't do what they long for.、It seems that he launched this project to tell that even great people have experienced failures and setbacks.。
It's a good plan to think about young people.。
Try reading it.、There were a lot of things I knew、I learned a lot.。
The story of Hanyu, a player, and Koreeda, a film director.、Personally, it was interesting, wasn't it?。
Don't make mistakes and make deeper wounds after you make mistakes、Thinking from the other party's point of seeing、telling without saying directly、to make for someone、It was helpful to speak in my own words.。
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