Gen Shiraiwa (Written by)
Kawade Shobo Shinsha (Publishing House)
2004November 20 (Release date)
Hardcover (Format)
Old、A novel that has been dramatized。
The original seems to be different from the drama version.。
The main character who became a popular person by producing a transfer student who does not bark。
The attempt will succeed, but、The main character loses the trust from a friend in the wake of a certain incident...
High school students' relationships are difficult.。
I remembered that I was also a student that I was hated at all.。
Well、I guess there's something wrong with me。
What should I have done in this book?
It's difficult.。
The main character seems to have failed because he couldn't become an acting character.。
It's hard to play a character who's too far away from his true self.。
Maybe it's best not to overdo it.。
In the last, the main character who transferred to school is trying to repeat the same thing again.。
I wonder if this is good.
It was an interesting novel.。
remind one's school days、You had a bitter sweet charm.。
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