Sally shavitz (Written by) / Fujita Akio. (Translation)
PHP Research Institute (Publishing House)
2006In April, (Release date)
Hardcover (Format)
A book about reading and writing disability (dyslexia)。
Some studies show that in the United States in five dyslexia is one。
Or anomalies possible causes of dyslexia and neural networks、How to overcome had been written in the book。
Normal、Seems to be using the occipital temporal neural pathways to read people's、Said Dyslexic people use frontal。
And examples of nervous system was developed by the treatment that looks like。
However,、English-speaking countries for the book was written so、Both Hiragana and kanji in Japan is to accept that I can't。
Of course、To be had written a lot of things.
Record book of the textbook and reading software for the visually impaired、As well as the use of computer、Effective for dyslexic people like.。
Recently, such as Amazon's Audible (audible) and FeBe (Phoebe)、So read the book, audio book、Might be useful。
Also what、Was written with primary goal to keep the child's self esteem is important。
Despite dyslexia、University professor who also like it in the United States。
It's great to。
Because I did not know about this disorder often、In the study.。
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