Gogol (Written by) / Hajime Hirai (Translation)
Iwanami Shoten (Publishing House) / Iwanami Bunko
2006年2月16日 (Release date)
Bunko (Format)
2A paperback book containing two short stories, "The Mantle" and "The Nose"。
The "cloak" is a junior officer of the ninth rank officer of Mannen、It's a story about Akakiy Akakiewicz, who makes copying his job.。
Where he tried to renew his cloak、Suddenly, a storm comes to his empty life.。
僕のような平凡な読者の人生にも、A sudden event may cause a storm to blow into a peaceful life.。
Even in such a situation, you have to live with your feet on the ground.。
"Nose" is the story of Eighth Officer Kovalov。
One day、His nose left his face and he began to walk alone.。
Moreover, the nose appeared in various places in the form of a fifth-class officer.、Strange and inexplicable developments。
It is a work that depicts irrational themes in a realist manner.。
Speaking of "nose"、I only knew the works of Ryunosuke Akutagawa.、There are writers in the world who think about various things。
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