J.D. Salinger (Written by) / Takashi Nozaki (Translation)
Shiramizusha (Publishing House) / Shiramizu U Books
1984May 20, 2010 (Release date)
New book (Format)
Famous Novels。
It was a long time ago that I read it.、There are a lot of scenes that I remember.。
The story is about Holden, the main character who was released from high school in Japan, and wanders around the city.。
There are two scenes that I like、Both are where Phoebe, the main character's sister, comes out.。
1The main character who sneaked home suddenly starts crying in front of his sister.。
Phoebe puts her arm around my neck、I put my arm around her body again、After all, I couldn't cry for a long time.。
(Medium abbreviation)
Well、Poor thing、I'm so sleeping at Phoebe.。
I feel motherly to my sister Phoebe who tries hard to sooth the main character.。
Holden had a lot of trouble, too.。
I had the impression that my life was empty.。
I haven't seen my sister in a long time.、I couldn't stand crying.
2The second scene where it suddenly begins to rain when Holden sees Phoebe on a rotating wooden horse.。
Watch Phoebe go round and round、Suddenly、I felt so happy.。
(Medium abbreviation)
Simply、Phoebe.、Wearing a blue over or something、Whirled、Whirled、The figure that continues to go around、It just looked a little beautiful.。
Wet in the drenched rain、Holden, who was watching Phoebe, suddenly felt happy.。
It's an impressive scene in me.。
When I read it, the scene comes to mind.。
It's like Holden, who doesn't get along well, feels that he has affection for his sister Phoebe.。
Look at the innocent Phoebe.、Moment、I wonder if my feelings were called up.。
Holden's the last.、He's in the hospital.、I want you to do your best for the next life.。
Is it peculiar to puberty that he doesn't get used to society well?、Or maybe it's because of illness.、I think it's going to get better and better if I'm alive.。
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