Ray Bradbury (Written by) / Toyoki Ogasawara (Translation)
Hayakawa Shobo (Publishing House) / Hayakawa Bunko SF
2010年7月10日 (Release date)
Kindle version (Format)
I read this book a long time ago, so my memory is vague.、Write your impressions。
I read the old version of the paperback edition.。
26 short stories telling the story of human migration to Mars。
Earthlings send an expedition to Mars、Resist the telepathic and hypnotic Martians、Up to the third expedition dies.。
Worried about the family I left behind,、Many have returned to Earth。
最後の短編「二〇二六年十月 百万年ピクニック」が印象的だ。
火星人がそこにいた。Timothy began to tremble。
火星人たちは、From the edge of the water with the waves、Forever and forever、Remain silent、I was staring up at everyone.。
もういなくなったと思っていたが、The Martians did exist.。
Somehow melancholy、At the end of the thought-provoking、Memorable。
By making a series of short films, we packed various episodes、1When you read it as a book, the chronicle of Mars comes to mind as a scene.。
The real earth we live on may not suddenly be destroyed by war.。
This book is sci-fi, but、I thought that point was realistic.。
We have to take care of the earth and live our lives.。
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