A book in which the author, an expert in nuclear power, describes the dangers of nuclear power plants。
I read it with interest。
Nuclear power plants seem to be very dangerous.。
I repeatedly heard the phrase "no immediate health impact" at the time of 3.11.、It means that acute disorders do not occur.、It seems to mean that there is late onset disorder。
Hiroshima、Because there seems to be an example of Nagasaki。
In Ukraine, a dam near the Saporozhye nuclear power plant has been destroyed and has become dangerous。
I think we have to learn from Chernobyl。
I once dreamed of nuclear power.、I'm a person who stepped into research。But、Learn about nuclear power and learn about its dangers、I changed my mindset 180 degrees。
(Preface p.2)
RecentlySanrikuProductionoysteris now sold。 It's Oyster。 It seems that the contaminated water problem has calmed down.。 The locals would be a nice nuisance.。 I think nuclear power is dangerous.。
Madame Curiealso died from radiation exposure。 Praying for the souls of our predecessors who boldly challenged unknown substances。 He's a Nobel Prize winner。
When it comes to nuclear power, I want to visit the A-bombed sites。 At one time、8.6A comedian called Second Bazooka was a problem.。 Was it Rassungorerai?。 Remembering Gorreine。 It's a razor。 I want to play dodgeball。 It's Little Flower。 Bombers are bad。
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