Chūō Kōron Shinsha / A new book on 2010
2005年3月 (Release date)
E-book (Form of issuance)
A book that describes critical theory based on the novel Frankenstein, which contains various problems.。 In the novel technique、Novels are written using techniques、In Critical Theory、Explain the powerful methodology of analyzing works。 Frankenstein is a work by a female writer released in 1818.。
ストーリーAndプロットの違いなど勉強になる。 There was a cartoon called Embalming。 It's the work of Nobuhiro Watsuki.。 I feel like there were some similarities。
I tried to practice it with reference to this book。 エンバーミングという漫画はジャンプSQで連載されていた。 at that time、Jump SQ had just been published and was expecting a large-scale serialization, so I asked the Jump editorial department to introduce me to a teacher.。 Jump SQ is a monthly magazine that costs about 800 yen.。 Jump costs about 350 yen, but it is a weekly magazine.。 Jump SQ is less profitable。 The price of both books is about the same.。 Some people have 60 pages.。 The jump is about 24 pages.。 But it is easy to serialize。 Paper quality is better in Jump SQ。 There is not much difference in the price of paper.。
Frankenstein is a monster story。 A blind old man appeared、There is a scene to chat。 Monsters are not completely evil either.。 And the monster reads a book。 It's funny to think that a monster reads Frankenstein's books。 It's meta.。
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