Chūō Kōron Shinsha / A new book on 2010
2013November 1, 2008 (Release date)
E-book (Form of issuance)
This book discovers the design of animals based on ideas from size.、It is a new introductory book on biology that makes the logic of the animal understandable to humans.。 Interesting。 Don't be a study.。 Weight matters。 ヒトデはサンゴを食べてしまうのだ。 He also wrote about plants。
The time of a city dweller who is tightly bound by physical time、I wonder if it is the original time of human beings、It makes you feel doubtful。 (p.222)
植物というと火力発電所には植物園が併設されていたりする。 Wind power generation would also be fun to set up an observation deck。 When you think of hydroelectric power plants, you probably think of dams.、Underwater boats can be operated so that visitors can visit submerged villages。
Nuclear power plants might be a good idea to organize a ruin exploration tour.。 Geothermal power generation will require underground tunnels。
Speaking of living creatures, I had a goldfish。 Goldfish breathe with gills、Swim with fins。 There are also people who do aquarium art.。 They would plant aquatic plants and decorate them beautifully。 It's hard because you have to wash the aquarium regularly。 熱帯魚も美しい。 Cold fish are not colorful in color。 I wonder why tropical fish are so colorful。 I think it's for breeding。 I wonder if it is important to leave offspring because of the abundance of food.。 Other hand、Killer whales are said to be the strongest creatures。 There is a stamp called Shachihata, but it must be related。
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Wake up, new people大江健三郎 講談社 / 講談社文芸文庫 2014年11月28日 (Release date) E-book (Form of issuance) It is a series of short stories drawn through the medium of poetry.。 It seems to be considered by some to be the masterpiece of Japan literature.。 Sinking the definition of death behind the work、While expressing the casual daily life with family with fresh brushstrokes、Looking to the past and the future, he sought to regenerate human beings in times of crisis.。 Interesting。 According to the commentary、It seems that the author wanted to leave a collection of definitions for his son that would be a clue even after the death of his parent.。 It's a guidepost for the classics.。 Abe Kobo also、The situation you are in、It seems that there is no exit。 The author this spring、3He died on the 4th of May at the age of 88.。 We pray for the repose of his soul.。 Eeyore would be Iyo。 The author is from Ehime.。 I have crossed the Great Seto Bridge。 I want to visit Shikoku again。 An acquaintance of mine had a nephew who loved him。 「甥っ子は自分に責任がないから可愛い」 と彼は言う。 It would have been hard to raise Eeyore。 I also had last year、A nephew was born。 I gave gifts, but、I still didn't know how it felt.。 Anyway, I'm glad I was born safely。 I saw the news of the prime minister that he will pay full wages for paternity leave。 However,、Dads ride a crowded train with their children in their arms.、Maybe I have a future to go to work.。 But not destroyed from the inside by violent things、It is also true that we are forced to release ourselves violently to the outside、That the achievement of the third way is also possible.、Summer of defeat、Or maybe it was a dream、In a river where no one else can see、僕は想像のうちにとらえたのではなかったか? (p.221ーp.222) 平和を希求するという様だろう。 The author was born before the war.。 There was also an air raid in the town where I live.。 今年もまた夏がやってくる。 祖父の家に遊びに行って虫捕りをしたい。 メロンを食べて甲子園を見たい。 そんな日常が崩れてしまうのが戦争なのだ。 作者は反原発の人でもあった。 電気料金の値上げのニュースもある。 愛媛から広島はすぐ近くだ。 愛媛ではテレビで広島カープの試合が映るのかもしれないな。 サンフレッチェ広島はどうだろう。 マツダの本社もある。 Toby_Parsons / Pixabayhttps://pixabay.com/photo-3546782 自動車の期間工は大変みたいです。 専用道路を一つ作って自転車を走らせたいものだ。