"Section Chief。Strong, isn't it?。You can fight with this。Our company is as expected。Iyo、Master of binge drinking。I'm from a private university, but my PhD from a national university is different.。I will also work overtime to achieve my goals for this fiscal year.。Come onCompany cafeteriaLet's go eat the daily set meal."
"Director"、Sorry for calling you early." "What's wrong?。I won't forgive you if it's not good news." "I'm going to go in the direction of studying with the orderer." "What?。DeliveryIt's just the last minute.。You can see that there is little profit." "Yes。I am aware that it is impossible, please stamp it." "Ginger。Even as a salesman, I used to make more achievements when I was younger.。I can't protect you any more." "Excuse me.。I'll do my best to dive in."
The author seems to be from Benesse Corporation.。 Thank you for Shinkenzemi。 He seems to be a Japanese school teacher。 Japanese is my favorite class。 Recalling a game called Mojipitan。 Interesting。 It's a puzzle game where you connect words.。 I think it was a hit。 What about kanji Pitan?。
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