Books about Japanese choking and more。
I flipped and read。
There seems to be a code switch way of talking.。
I thought about it too。
"Section Chief。Strong, isn't it?。You can fight with this。Our company is as expected。Iyo、Master of binge drinking。I'm from a private university, but my PhD from a national university is different.。I will also work overtime to achieve my goals for this fiscal year.。Come onCompany cafeteriaLet's go eat the daily set meal."
"Director"、Sorry for calling you early." "What's wrong?。I won't forgive you if it's not good news." "I'm going to go in the direction of studying with the orderer." "What?。DeliveryIt's just the last minute.。You can see that there is little profit." "Yes。I am aware that it is impossible, please stamp it." "Ginger。Even as a salesman, I used to make more achievements when I was younger.。I can't protect you any more." "Excuse me.。I'll do my best to dive in."
The author seems to be from Benesse Corporation.。 Thank you for Shinkenzemi。 He seems to be a Japanese school teacher。 Japanese is my favorite class。 Recalling a game called Mojipitan。 Interesting。 It's a puzzle game where you connect words.。 I think it was a hit。 What about kanji Pitan?。
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Wake up, new people大江健三郎 講談社 / 講談社文芸文庫 2014年11月28日 (Release date) E-book (Form of issuance) It is a series of short stories drawn through the medium of poetry.。 It seems to be considered by some to be the masterpiece of Japan literature.。 Sinking the definition of death behind the work、While expressing the casual daily life with family with fresh brushstrokes、Looking to the past and the future, he sought to regenerate human beings in times of crisis.。 Interesting。 According to the commentary、It seems that the author wanted to leave a collection of definitions for his son that would be a clue even after the death of his parent.。 It's a guidepost for the classics.。 Abe Kobo also、The situation you are in、It seems that there is no exit。 The author this spring、3He died on the 4th of May at the age of 88.。 We pray for the repose of his soul.。 Eeyore would be Iyo。 The author is from Ehime.。 I have crossed the Great Seto Bridge。 I want to visit Shikoku again。 An acquaintance of mine had a nephew who loved him。 「甥っ子は自分に責任がないから可愛い」 と彼は言う。 It would have been hard to raise Eeyore。 I also had last year、A nephew was born。 I gave gifts, but、I still didn't know how it felt.。 Anyway, I'm glad I was born safely。 I saw the news of the prime minister that he will pay full wages for paternity leave。 However,、Dads ride a crowded train with their children in their arms.、Maybe I have a future to go to work.。 But not destroyed from the inside by violent things、It is also true that we are forced to release ourselves violently to the outside、That the achievement of the third way is also possible.、Summer of defeat、Or maybe it was a dream、In a river where no one else can see、僕は想像のうちにとらえたのではなかったか? (p.221ーp.222) 平和を希求するという様だろう。 The author was born before the war.。 There was also an air raid in the town where I live.。 今年もまた夏がやってくる。 祖父の家に遊びに行って虫捕りをしたい。 メロンを食べて甲子園を見たい。 そんな日常が崩れてしまうのが戦争なのだ。 作者は反原発の人でもあった。 電気料金の値上げのニュースもある。 愛媛から広島はすぐ近くだ。 愛媛ではテレビで広島カープの試合が映るのかもしれないな。 サンフレッチェ広島はどうだろう。 マツダの本社もある。 Toby_Parsons / Pixabay 自動車の期間工は大変みたいです。 専用道路を一つ作って自転車を走らせたいものだ。
Why Toyota is so good at nurturing people若松義人 PHP研究所 / PHP新書 2014年4月18日 (Release date) E-book (Form of issuance) トヨタ生産方式などトヨタ流のノウハウが書かれた本。 なかでも人づくりへのこだわりについてだ。 会社員が読むと役に立つかもしれない。 I flipped and read。 僕の知り合いでトヨタの社員がいる。 四国出身者が幅を利かせているとか。 そういうものではないと僕は思うけれどもな。 ネッツトヨタ、トヨタカローラ、トヨペット、レクサス。 日本の大企業だ。 トヨタマンというものが載っていた。 スーパートヨタマンというものもあるかもしれない。 中学生マンはどうだろう。 おにぎりウーマンはどうかな。 焼肉LGBTという人もいる。 著者は新聞を読んでいるみたいだ。 僕も日経新聞を読む。虚構新聞というウェブサイトがあった。 旧聞というのはどうだろう。 毎日旧聞もある。 壁旧聞を思索する。 最近はデジタル版の新聞が出てきている。 有料がほとんどだ。 記者には頭が下がる。 クラブワールドカップはトヨタがスポンサーだ。 今夏はサッカー女子ワールドカップである。 頑張ってほしいな。 BldrJanet / Pixabay
I was here Iceland tpsdave / Pixabay Amazon product introduction linked from the image I was here Iceland (Title) KRISTJÁN INGI EINARSSON (Photographer) Uppheimar (Publisher) 2013Years (Release date) Hardcover (Format) A collection of photos of Icelandic landscapes。 It seems to have been taken by an Icelandic photographer。 I got it as a souvenir from an acquaintance who traveled in Iceland。 By the way, the image above was from a site called Pixabay.、Not related to this book。 This book is not sold on Amazon Japan.、It seems that you can buy it on the Amazon site in the United States。 The book contained a variety of Icelandic natural landscapes.。 earth、mountain、river、waterfall、aurora、hot spring、animal、plant、seaside、fjord、Seasonal landscape、geysers, etc.。 Iceland is called the land of volcanoes and glaciers.。 It's a very dynamic landscape.。 My favorite photos are p.14 Sheep warmed by geothermal heat p.17 Strange stones named giants p.67 meadows with yellow flowers p.74 Iceland's most famous waterfall "Gullfoss" p.75 "Strawl geyser" p.85 A lagoon made of sun and glaciers sinking behind Iceland's highest volcano, "Ereivajökull" p.107 Icebergs floating in the lagoon etc.。 On the last page (p.126-p.127)、French writer、Jules Verne's novel "Journey to the Underground" was written to have originated under the ice of a mountain called "Snæfellsjökull" in Iceland.。 I read "Underground Travel" a long time ago。 It was exciting and interesting~。 Was this the entrance to the underground of that story set in this place?。 Also、I want to re-read "Underground Travel"。