
Masao Ninagawa,Yukinori Ishikawa
ASCII Media Works / Kadokawa Group Publishing / NEW BOOK ASCII
2011February 10, 2010 (Release date)
New book (Form of issuance)

Books about the scientific journalism site WikiLeaks。
It is a whistleblowing site。
I've even heard the name before.。
Julian Assange seems to be the founder.。
According to the news, he is currently under arrest.。
Exposure sites are dangerous。
Maybe it's unavoidable to be arrested。
Didn't Assange need a dialogue with the accused?。
I saw the homepage、It's a wiki-style site.。
I didn't see it, but there was a shop。

In Japan, Representative Hideo Iwatani's political affairs research expenses、There was a problem of political activity expenses。
At one time、This issue has been taken up in many places.、It became a big problem。
Did someone leak it?、Did repeated investigations reveal fraud?。
The author of this book says:。

Much of it was due to leaks。Tokudane accumulated through repeated research and interviews、Not so often。

It must have been a leak after all。
The author says the leak involves the issue of competition for career advancement。
There are many leaks in newspaper articles.。
The news is full of leaks。
WikiLeaks may not be good。

The last chapter is about media playback。
RecentlyInternetIt's an era of media flourishing。
Can we say that the media has played?。
Mcluhanwas discussing the media of the future。
The Internet is the media of the future。
I'm sure it was.。
The era of the metaverse is also coming。
The metaverse will also shape new media。
There may be a dedicated Internet TV。

Old man reading newspaper
Clker-Free-Vector-Images / Pixabay

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