Maugham, Akio Yukikata
Kodansha / Kodansha Bungei Bunko
2017April 14 - (Release date)
E-book (Form of issuance)
British Upper Class Families after World War I。Maurice, who behaves cheerfully while being paralyzed by an accident, mysteriously dies one day.。
What is the truth of death?。
Mystery Plays。
It was a short play and I could read it smoothly。
Thought about love。
It's the truth of life and love.、I got the impression that there are many cheating people。
Maurice was lonely。
Mrs. Tablet is like a gal。
Notions like this book were rare during the reign of Queen Victoria in the 1920s.。
It's kind of avant-garde.。
The title of this work is from the words in the first series of the folk poem "Love" by the poet Coleridge.。
"Inspire this body / All thoughts、longing、Joy is / A priest who serves love / The oil of the torch."。
The Japan torch is the fire in the shrine.。
Remembering the fire lit in the precincts on New Year's Day。
Bonfire、or dondoyaki、It seems to be called a garden fire.。
Grilled old auspicious、It's something that warms the body。
There aren't many things called oil.。
Although the lantern uses oil。
Didn't rapeseed oil play an important role in history?。
A novel called Yesterday's WorldThere was a being who became the god of bonfire.。
I wonder what that was。
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