Osaka Philosophy School (ed.)
Aoki Shoten
1996Sep (Release date)
Soft Cover (Form of issuance)
Sophie's World Supplementary Reader。
Unlike the original, the book is difficult to read, but interesting。
Sophie's World is Japan and has sold 68 printings and 1.68 million copies in one year of release.。
But the world of the best-selling novel Sophie is also criticized.。
There are criticisms and affirmations, but such things are written。
Criticism is never a bad thing。
Philosophy is to accept criticism。
The first is a critique of the philosophical position of the author Gordel.。
It is said to be a regression of philosophy to the traditional binary structure with holistic intuition.。
In other words, see the world from a big perspective、He says it's a philosophy that contrasts idealization with actualization.。
And there is also criticism of the popularization of philosophy。
Also, too much emphasis on Barkley。
And an attitude towards the occult.。
One of the motivations for writing this article seems to be that Goldel was struck by the occult fever of young people.。
At the time this book was released, the Aum incident was taking place, and there was a section that considered it in relation to the incident.。
Chizuo Matsumoto's devilishness、The brutality of the incident is indisputable。
Supernatural thoughts、What about metaphysical thinking?。
Again, critical thinking is necessary。
Goldel never says absolutely, so you just have to think for yourself.。
I'm right。
Legends are good。
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