Masami Tsuda
Hakusensha / Hana to Yume Comics
2005Aug. (Release date)
Comic (Form of issuance)
The final volume of Carekano。
What is the future of Karekanomate?。
Yukino would be Todairi 3。
Arima became a police officer after graduating from high school。
Is being a doctor a respected profession?。
I've been hospitalized, so I'm closely related to doctors.。
Doctors look amazing, but there are many diseases that cannot be cured.。
Also, there are times when you can say that it is over with a little question.。
We need to listen more to our patients。
The Hippocratic Oath is the Ethics of Sunflower Rides。
And、When it comes to police officers, it seems that many of them have experience in kendo and judo.。
Some people may have experience in martial arts.。
Many people are good at exercising。
I was swimming.、In the tournament, players belonging to the ● ● Police Station participated。
It would be nice if there was a competition that used Susuma。
Not many people may know bayonet。
The act of firing is prescribed by law。
When there are "reasonable grounds to believe it is necessary"、Although it is allowed to be used within the "minimum necessary" range.、必要と認める最小の理由がある場合に必要馬鹿限の範囲で使用してはいないか議論する必要を切に感じる。
Sakura is cute。
I also use Clinique hand cream。
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