The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby

Fitzgerald (Written by), Takayoshi Ogawa (Translation)
Kobunsha (Publishing House) / Kobunsha Classic New Translation Bunko
2009September 20, 2016 (Release date)
Kindle version (Format)

Have a luxurious car in a gorgeous mansion、Gatsby, the man who throws a big party every night。
Everything that has built up wealth so far、The story that it was to get back your former lover。
The author has a deep knowledge of music.。
The world history of jazz of Vladimir Tostov appeared。
Daisy is amazing。

If you've come this far、I feel like I can reach my dream in just a few moments.、I wouldn't have thought that I could fail to grasp it.。I had no idea that the dream was behind me。
(p.217 e-book)

I thought I had a dream ahead。
You wouldn't think it's behind。
However, after reading this book, I thought it would be nice if my dreams were next to me.。
I want to walk with my dreams。
Gatsby is lovely。

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