Scrap and Build

Scrap and Build

Keisuke Haneda (Written by)
Bungei Shunshu (Publishing House) / Bunshun Bunko
2018May 10 - (Release date)
Kindle version (Format)

The childishness of adolescents vs. the cunning of old people。
Trying to fulfill my grandfather's wish、The story of his grandson Kento coming up with a plan。
A mysterious creature appears。
That must be a rat。
I once saw a rat fishing for garbage in a restaurant in Shinjuku in the early morning.。
You said there were rats in my acquaintance's house.。
You may need a cat。

The main character, Kento, has hay fever。
About hay fever now、About 1 in 4 Japan people have hay fever。
I have also had symptoms of hay fever in recent years.。
I wonder if it is an allergic reaction to suddenly get hay fever.。

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