National Geographic (Edit)
Nikkei National Geographic (Publishing House)
2022February 8 - (Release date)
Kindle version (Format)
Nature and animals、Magazines featuring countries。
I've been reading this magazine a lot for a long time.。
It was written that glaciers will decrease in the Alps as winter disappears.。
Global warming is about carbon dioxide more than increasing、There is a belief that cosmic rays are affected by space meteorology.。
And、It is said that cooling is more frightening than global warming。
It would be a big problem with food production.。
It seems that no conclusions have yet been drawn about the causes of global warming。
The rest、I didn't know that insulation sheets protect snow。
I've been to a nearby ski resort once.、Winter sports are fun。
It also covered Sudan's new future.。
"My grandfather was Taharqa.、My grandmother is one of the Kandaka!"
This is 2019、It was one of the slogans of demonstrators to overthrow the dictatorship of Omar Bashir.。
The people of Sudan shouted this slogan with the belief that they were heirs to the kings and queens of ancient Egypt.。
I've seen the news of the Arab Spring.、Is it an article in the middle of that?。
About the Arab Spring in Egypt at the time、I know the news that the current government has been overthrown.。
I wonder what kind of swell enveloped the Arabs。
Video sites such as Youtube、I feel that social media such as twitter played an important role。
Demonstrations in Japan remind me of May Day in May。
May Day was a gathering to improve workers' rights.。
I have to study too.。
It was also written about leopards.。
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