Yoshikazu Earless

Yoshikazu Earless

Yakumo Koizumi (Written by)
Orion Books (Publishing House)
2013October 25 - (Release date)
Kindle version (Format)

A novel by Lafcadio Hearn, also known as Yakumo Koizumi。
A foreigner living in Shimane Prefecture、He is a famous novelist who has written many ghost stories.。
There were various levels of visually impaired people in the Edo period.。
Among them, the highest rank is the inspection school.。
It seems that there was a person called Yatsuhashi Kengaku。
There is a famous saying that if the wind blows, the oke shop will make a profit.、This has become a syllogism。
When the wind blows, the number of blind people increases.、Shamisen needed、Catching cats increases the number of mice.、It means that you will gnaw at the tub and ruin it.。


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