Jostein Goldel (Written by), Kayoko Ikeda (Translation), Akira Suda (Supervision)
NHK Publishing (Publishing House)
2011May 26 - (Release date)
Kindle version (Format)
Novels that will teach you philosophy。
It's a famous work。
I also read it with interest。
It's a book you'll want to have on hand。
The dedication reads:。
Those who can't talk about the past 3,000 years、Living every day in pitch darkness without realizing it
(Number of pages unknown because it is an e-book)
Maybe you're right.。
The sentence in the first chapter is also recalled.。
Anyway、Someday something must have come out of nothing.
(Garden of Eden page number unknown because it is an e-book)
It's a big bang.。
Another thing that left an impression on me was Socrates.、Aristotle、Cant etc.。
A friend of mine also mentioned this story as his favorite novel.。
Alberto is cool。
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