Taro Ryunoko (Written by) / Momoko (Illustrations)
KADOKAWA / Kadokawa Shoten (Publishing House) / Kadokawa Sneaker Bunko
2017April 1, 2016 (Release date)
Bunko (Format)
Problem Children Series Part 2 Volume 4。
Set on the Continent of Atlantis、The first round of the Solar Sovereignty War begins.。
The appearance of one of the founders of "Ouroboros"、The Re-Aki of that Demon King、New abilities of the reverse 16 nights, etc.、It was a lot of content.。
It's been revealed a lot of things.、The story is getting excited!
I was happy that Leticia reappeared a little bit after that.。
Leticia's cute.。
Other poets Orpheus and Hercules, the strongest warrior in the Greek godgroup, appeared.。
The poet Orpheus was also a hero of the Dystopian War and one of the founders of the Arcadia League.。
But the "Uroboros" that destroyed the Arcadia Federation is terrible.。
They're pretty bad guys. "Ouroboros" is.。
And、"Ouroboros" seems to be a huge federation.。
First、Second、Divided into the Third Union、That only the third union has shown little yet.。
Can you get the name of the community back from such a person?。
In addition to that、It seems that the 16th night of the dead man who is called the enemy of the world has to challenge、There's an end-emption wind, too.、There's a fake Krishna, too.
Well、These guys may be the same person, but...
In addition、Do we have to defeat the terminal beasts of sleeping in the kiln of hell?。
Good luck, everyone!
The author's new project is also going to start.、I'm looking forward to the future development of the problem child series.。
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