Taro Ryunoko (Written by) / Tennoyi (Illustrations)
KADOKAWA / Kadokawa Shoten (Publishing House) / Kadokawa Sneaker Bunko
2012March 29 - (Release date)
Volume 4 of Problem Child Series。
Leticia is suddenly kidnapped.、Above Underwood's head is a giant dragon and、A castle in the sky appeared。
Because Leticia is my favorite character、I read this volume with excitement。
The name of the Demon Lord's gift game is "SUN SYNCHRONOUS ORBIT in VAMPIRE KING"。
Although this gift game has a vicious penalty、There are 4 victory conditions。
To help Leticia, Sixteen Nights and Yao achieve the third victory condition.、Being a vampire, she...
To help Leticia before the tent opens、Sixteen Nights and Yao were about to shoot the thirteenth sun.。
The puzzle was interesting this time as well。
Thirteenth Sun、Belt of the Beast、Was that what it meant to be a revolutionary leader?。
Battles are also interesting、The battle of the Sixteen Nights and Leticia's Shadow read with excitement。
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