Satoshi Kikuchi (Written by)
Kodansha (Publishing House) / Bluebacks
1998September 20, 2016 (Release date)
Kindle version (Format)
The author who is a teacher of the university、From the standpoint of cognitive psychology、a book about the uncertainty of believing in paranormal phenomena through "experience"。
"Perception" of human cognition、"Memory"、Divided into three stages of "thinking"、Bias is applied at each stage、It is stated that an error occurs.。
In "perception", the homeostasis of schema and perception causes errors.。
"Storage" is due to the impact of the schema and the loss of the source of the information.、that a transformation to a false memory arises。
In "thinking", it is called confirmation bias.、The tendency to try to verify the hypothesis in positive cases seems to be the bias of the inference.。
Other books on nature and cognition saving were written.。
In order not to misidentify、That metacognition and critical thinking (critical thinking) that look at oneself objectively are important。
When I think, too、I thought that there might be a tendency to place importance on the experience of me and the people around me.。
4About the contingination table and、To tell the truth, it reminds me of the coincidence that happens frequently.、You have to be careful not to misidentify.。
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