Hiroki Higashi (Written by)
Kodansha (Publishing House) / Kodansha Hyundai Shinsho
2001November 20 (Release date)
New book (Format)
A book that analyzes Japanese postmodernity from the culture and behavior of geeks.。
Postmodern 1960s、1970about the cultural world of the ages、It's like a big story is falling.。
The surface of the simullercle = a small story and、The author claims that the postmodern model is the two-layer edifice of a large non-story database.。
Media Mix、Moe Element、It seems that cara moe can explain from this point of view.。
Also、There's also animalization going on.、Animal nature at the level of simullerul、that humanity at the database level coexists dissociatively。
I see.
The rest、Mobile battleship Nadesico or Saber Marionette J or something、The topic of yu-no the girl who sings love at the end of the world comes out、I missed you.。
I'm almost unseen.、I know the name because it was a topic at the time...
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