The Realm of Light

The Realm of Light

Yuko Tsushima (Written by)
Kodansha (Publishing House) / Kodansha Bungei Bunko
1993September 10 - (Release date)
Kindle version (Format)

The swaying movement of a young female parent who is separated from her husband、It seems to be a work that expresses anxiety in a series of short films.。
The story of one year in a bright room with windows in every direction。
It's sunny and nice.。

I read it as a flip、I thought that the relationship between men and women in the world was troublesome and difficult.。
It's not very familiar to me.。
But as I read it, I was gradually drawn into the story.。
Certainly, it will be hard to balance work and child-rearing by yourself...
The rest、The professor's lines that appeared in the middle are assertive and interesting。
I don't think that's necessarily the case.、The climate of this society、Does the atmosphere make you say so?。
We need to change the society for the better.。

One thing I disagreed with was that:、The protagonist talks about the accident property、I didn't have the confidence to win.。
It's not about winning or losing.、I think this world exists for the living living now.。
I had read Rensuke Oshikiri's manga called Derodero, and I thought so.。
It's reasonable to want to avoid properties with a reason.。

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