Hideyuki Takano (Written by)
Kodansha (Publishing House) / Kodansha Bunko
2010年8月12日 (Release date)
Kindle version (Format)
The author goes to investigate the mysterious giant creature Janawar, which is said to live in Lake Wan in eastern Turkey.。
様々な証言があり怪獣は伝説で幻だったと著者は結論づけるが、Soon after, the group discovered a mysterious object.。
There is also a photo, and there is something like a shadow on the surface of the lake.。
But it seems that you can't understand it unless it's a video.。
I wonder if there really are unidentified creatures living there.。
When the author rowed out with a vinyl boat to finally verify it, it seems that there was an object about 10 meters in size at the time of shooting.。
I'm worried about my identity。
Even so, it's like a world with monsters.。
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